Sunday, February 8, 2009


1. Applications are invited from eligible candidates of Karnataka including the wards of Jammu & Kashmiri migrants for registration for the “Common Entrance Test-2009” for admissions to first year Medical / Dental/Ayurveda / Homoeopathy / Unani / Naturopathy & Yoga / Engineering / Technology / Architecture courses for the seats to be notified by the Government in the Professional Educational Institutions in the state of Karnataka for the academic year 2009-10.

2. A candidate must appear for the Common Entrance Test conducted by the Karnataka Examinations Authority, for PCB subjects in case of admission to Medical / Dental / Ayurveda / Homoeopathy / Unani / Naturopathy & Yoga courses and PCM subjects in case of admission to Engineering / Technology courses. For admission to Architecture course the candidate must appear for NATA (National Aptitude Test in Architecture) conducted by the Council of Architecture. (Visit KEA website for list of institutions conducting NATA)

3. The merit will be determined in accordance with the provision of the “Karnataka Selection of Candidates for Admission
to Government Seats in Professional Educational Institutions Rules, 2006”.

Karnataka CET 2009 Eligibility

(a) For Medical / Dental courses, the applicant should have passed Karnataka 2 PUC / 12 std. or equivalent examination with Physics, Chemistry and Biology as optional subjects and with English as one of the languages of study and have obtained a minimum of 50% of marks in aggregate in the PCB group and should secure a minimum of 50% of marks in aggregate in PCB subjects in the Common Entrance Test. In case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes (Category-1, 2A, 2B, 3A and 3B), the minimum marks for the purpose of eligibility will be 40% of marks in aggregate in PCB group both in Qualifying Examination
and Common Entrance Test.

(b) For Ayurveda / Homoeopathy / Unani / Naturopathy & Yoga courses, the applicant should have passed Karnataka 2nd PUC/ 12th std. or equivalent examination with Physics, Chemistry and Biology as optional subjects and with English as one of the languages of study and have obtained a minimum of 50% of marks in aggregate in PCB group irrespective of marks obtained in the Common Entrance Test. In case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes (Category-1, 2A, 2B, 3A and 3B), the minimum marks for the purpose of eligibility will be 40% of marks in aggregate in PCB group in the qualifying examination.

For admission to Medical / Dental / Ayurveda / Homoeopathy / Unani / Naturopathy & Yoga courses, the candidate should have completed the age of 17 years as on 31st of December 2009.

(c) For Engineering / Technology courses, the applicant should have passed Karnataka 2 PUC / 12 Std. or equivalent examination with Physics and Mathematics along with Chemistry / Bio-Technology / Computer Science / Electronics / Biology as optional subjects with English as one of the languages of study and obtained a minimum of 45% of marks in aggregate in the optional subjects, irrespective of marks obtained in the Common Entrance Test.

In case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes (Category-1, 2A, 2B, 3A and 3B), the minimum marks for the purpose of eligibility will be 40% of marks in aggregate in the optional subjects in the qualifying examination.

(d) For Architecture course, the applicant should have passed Karnataka 2 PUC / 12 Std. or equivalent examination with Mathematics as a compulsory optional subject and obtained a minimum of 50% of marks in aggregate in all the subjects in the qualifying examination (45% of marks in case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes (Category-1, 2A, 2B, 3A and 3B)] and should compulsorily appear for NATA (National Aptitude Test in Architecture) and get a minimum of 40% in it. (Including Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes)


1. A candidate who had obtained a seat in any discipline through the KEA (CET Cell) in any of the previous years will not be eligible to appear for the Common Entrance Test-2009 for selection of a seat in the same discipline. Such candidate will immediately orfeit the seat selected by him during the previous years, upon selection of a seat in a different discipline during the year.

2. The merit list of candidates for admission to Medical and Dental courses will be determined only on the basis of marks obtained by candidates in PCB subjects, taken together, in the Common Entrance Test. For Ayurveda / Homoeopathy / Unani / Naturopathy & Yoga / Engineering / Technology courses, the merit list will be determined on the basis of marks obtained in the respective optional subjects, in both qualifying examination
and the Common Entrance Test taken in equal proportions. For Architecture course, the Merit list will be determined on the basis of marks obtained in both qualifying examination and NATA taken in equal proportions.

SUPPLY OF BROCHURE -CUM- APPLICATION FORMKarnataka CEt 2009 Brochure-cum-application form Brochure cum application form will be supplied through the schools / colleges located within the State of Karnataka in which the students are studying 2nd PUC or 12th standard examination upon submission of Demand Draft for Rs. 550/- to the Principals in advance, drawn in favour of “The Executive Director, Karnataka Examinations Authority,Bangalore”, payable at Bangalore and Rs. 400/- for students belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Category-1. The repeater and ex-students who have passed the qualifying examination within the State of Karnataka before 2009 should also submit the demand draft for the above said amount to the respective schools / colleges. The Last date for submission of Demand Draft to the Principal of Schools and Colleges within Karnataka will be 10-02-2009.

The Karnataka candidates residing outside Karnataka (i.e., Horanadu, Gadinadu and other Karnataka candidates) who are studying or who have studied 12th standard or equivalent examination outside the State of Karnataka, within the territory of India, can procure the brochure cum application form by “SPEED POST”, by sending a self-addressed cloth-lined envelope of size 25 cm X 30 cm along with a Demand Draft for Rs. 650/- drawn in favour of“The Executive Director, Karnataka Examinations Authority, Bangalore”, payable at Bangalore and a Karnataka candidate residing outside India can get the brochure cum application form by sending a demand draft for Rs. 3000/-.

The contents on the self-addressed envelope should be in English or Kannada language only. The cover in which the demand draft and self-addressed envelope are sent should be boldly superscribed with the words “REQUEST FOR CET-2009 BROCHURE” and should be sent to the following address of Executive Director by “Speed Post” ONLY. The KEA will not take responsibility for the envelopes sent through courier or given in person or through any other private arrangement and also for incomplete and insufficient address on the envelope. The last date for submission of Demand Drafts by “Speed Post” will be 16-02-2009.

For more details regarding various conditions to claim eligibility
for Government seats, visit KEA Website:

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