Saturday, November 1, 2008

Archaeology Colleges in US

College of Liberal Arts at the University of Texas at Austin

Archaeology is one of the primary strengths of the Department of Anthropology within UT - Austin's College of Liberal Arts. Archaeology is studied at UT - Austin as an interdisciplinary subject, and archaeology students in the program may take complementary classes in a number of departments outside of the Department of Anthropology, including classics and geography. Anthropology students may specialize in the subdiscipline of archaeology as undergraduate or graduate students. Archaeology faculty research interests include historical archaeology, human osteological (bone) analysis and ethnoarchaeology.

College of Liberal Arts at Pennsylvania State University in University Park, Pennsylvania

Penn State's Department of Anthropology, part of the College of Liberal Arts, is highly respected internationally and boasts an impressive array of research facilities and field sites. Among its major areas of research is the evolution of social complexity. The Department offers a Bachelor of Arts in anthropology and a Bachelor of Science in archaeological sciences. Because Penn State is a top-ranked school in archaeology, the Department's master's and Ph.D. programs are highly selective.

The College of Arts and Science at New York University

The Department of Anthropology at New York University features outstanding research resources and some of the world's best scholars in archaeology. NYU is a leading institution for archaeology and is known for its special research interests in the study of prehistoric hunters and the development of complex societies. Archaeology students at NYU study all aspects of the discipline of anthropology, but both undergraduate and graduate students complete intensive coursework within the specialization of archaeology.

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