A) Basic Information about Engineering Colleges in Maharashtra :
In Maharashtra, there are in all 11 Universities which offer Engineering Courses, with each University (other
than Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere and SNDT University for Women, Mumbai)
having several Engineering Colleges affiliated to it.
Approximate number of Engineering Seats in 2007
The Various Types of Engineering Colleges :
There can be the following types of Engineering Colleges : viz., University Colleges (like BATU, SNDT),
Govt.Colleges (like College of Engineering, Pune),
University Managed Colleges (like UICT, Mumbai),
Govt. Aided Colleges (like V.J.T.I. in Mumbai ),
Un-aided (Private) Non-Minority Colleges (like Vidyalankar IoT),
Un-aided (Private) Minority Colleges (like Thadoomal in Mumbai)
B-i) Admission System : Basic Information
Due to the Supreme Court Judgment, following changes had to be made in the existing system that was being followed for the past several years :
i) The concept of MERIT seats and PAYMENT seats was abolished since the last four years. Now, each College has to get their fees approved from “Shikshan Shulka Samiti”. (i.e. now, the fees vary from College to College). Fee varies from Rs. 30,000/– to Rs. 65,000/- p.a.
ii) Entrance exam is now made mandatory .
This year, DTE (Directorate of Technical Education, Govt. of Maharashtra) will conduct 4 centralised Rounds. The first three rounds will be “ALLOTMENT” rounds whereas the 4th round will be conducted by the way of counselling.
Please Note :
*In Minority Colleges, students NOT belonging to that particular minority MAY also be eligible for admission to it’s Institute-Level Quota. Students should check with each individual minority college for details.
Seats filled by the individual colleges DIRECTLY are mentioned below :
* Institute – Level Quota Seats (20%) in un-aided Non Minority colleges
* 100 % Seats in VJTI, UICT, COEP, SGGS-Nanded, Walchand-Sangli (Through a separate but combined admission process)
* Seats (50 %) reserved for minorities [in minority institutions like MHSS, Rizvi, St. Francis, Don Bosco, TSEC, Vivekanand, Watumull, KJ Somaiya (Vidyavihar & Sion), Sanghvi, Shah & Anchor, Parshwanath, MESIT, LTCOE, Thakur, SIES ]
* Seats (15 % ) reserved for students of Konkan region in Dr. BATU, Lonere
To apply to such seats, students must contact the individual college directly.
i.e. A student interested in securing admission to an Engineering college in Maharashtra will have to make the following separate applications :
Seats in the autonomous colleges
Separate Admission Process
online through
Seats in most of the Engineering colleges in
Maharashtra except the five autonomous
colleges ( VJTI, UICT, COEP, SGGS-Nanded
and Walchand-Sangli)
(Round 1A,2A,3A
online through
Seats in most of the Private Un-aided
Engineering colleges in Maharashtra
(Round 1B,2B,3B)
Seats in most of the Engineering colleges in
Maharashtra which have remained vacant
after CAP Round 1, 2, 3
Round 4
Few (4 to 5)
Select Private
Un-aided Colleges
Institute-Level Quota Seats in these colleges
Separate Admission Process
conducted by each college in
their own campus
Private Minority
Un-aided Colleges
(if eligible)
Minority quota seats
in these colleges
Separate Admission Process
conducted by each college
(if eligible for Konkan
region reservation)
Seats reserved
for Students of Konkan Region
Separate Admission Process
B- iii) Admission System : Admission Procedure (For Institutes accepting MHT-CET Ranks)
1) Round 1 A - Centralised Allotment Process (CAP) organised by DTE for
Maharashtra State Quota Seats
a) How many of the seats will be available for Mumbai students in round 1A ?
A Mumbai Student will be eligible for :
i) All the Seats in SNDT and BATU offered through CAP : i.e.
*100 % seats of SNDT (But only for Women)
*85 % seats of BATU
ii) 70 % of the seats in Colleges under Mumbai University area (Home University) offered through CAP : i.e.
*70 % seats in Govt., Govt. aided colleges under Mumbai University Area
*45.5 % seats in Un-Aided Non-Minority Colleges under Mumbai University Area
*29.75 % seats in Un-aided Minority Colleges under Mumbai University Area
iii) 30 % of the seats in Colleges OUTSIDE Mumbai University area (Outside Home University) offered through CAP : i.e.
*30 % seats in Govt., Govt. aided colleges OUTSIDE Mumbai University Area
*19.5 % seats in Un-Aided Non-Minority Colleges OUTSIDE Mumbai University Area
*12.75 % seats in Un-aided Minority Colleges OUTSIDE Mumbai University Area
b) How to apply for this centralised round 1 A ?
To apply for the CENTRALISED ROUND 1A for admission to any Engineering college in Maharashtra (Govt., University Managed, Govt. Aided or Private) you have to fill ONLY ONE application form.
(Note : Admissions to VJTI, UICT, COEP, SGGS, Walchand-Sangli will not be through these Rounds. Students are required to fill up separate application forms for admission to these colleges)
This application form (including the option form) is to be submitted online at
c) Filling up of Option Form for allotment through Round 1A (Most Crucial)
After assessing their merit position, students should submit their preferences (Institute – Course Combinations*) in the “Option form” and submit it online. Only students who fill in their preferences will be considered in this Round 1A.
* Institute - Course combination Choice Codes are printed along with the information of each college, in the Institute Information Brochure
[In this list, you can select ANY COLLEGE in Maharashtra i.e. you need not confine your choices to colleges under Mumbai University area alone since you are also eligible for some seats (upto 30%) outside Mumbai University area]
d) How to write the Twenty choices in the Option form ?
In the section provided, a student can write a maximum of twenty choices. (It is not compulsory that all the twenty choices must be written. The student MAY write only one choice, or only two choices and so on , upto a maximum of twenty choices)
However, while writing the choices the Student should mention his choices as per his order of priority i.e. his first choice written FIRST, then his SECOND choice, then his THIRD choice and so on.
While preparing the All Maharashtra - allocation list for Round 1A, the computer will first see if the student has entered his choices. If no choice has been entered, he will NOT be considered for ROUND 1A.
If his choices are mentioned, the computer will check whether the student's FIRST choice can be made available to him (as per his merit). If it is available, he will be offered that seat (without even checking the second option).
If his FIRST choice is NOT available, then the computer will CHECK whether his SECOND choice is available. If it is available, his second choice will be offered to him. And so on.
This process will continue until the student secures a seat in one of his choices or until all the choices mentioned by the student are exhausted.
The allotment list generated at the of end of this process will be displayed on on the day specified in the schedule . This list will contain the "name of the student" along with the "nature of the offer". Details given below.
Significance of the "NATURE OF OFFER ":
On the day specified in the schedule , the allocation list will be displayed. Against each name, the "Nature of offer" will be mentioned, i.e. either "ALLOTTED" or "NOT ALLOTTED "
i) ALLOTTED : Out of the choice(s) mentioned (in the form) by the student, one is available to the student. The choice (i.e. Institute - Course Combination ) which is ALLOTTED to the student will be printed in the allocation list besides his / her name.
In case an "ALLOTTED " offer is made to the student, it is presumed that the
student (or his / her representative with an authority letter from the student) :
a) reports to the concerned college where he has got admission with all the original certificates before the specified date (e.g. a student who has got into say, Thadoomal, Bandra will have to go to Thdoomal and a student who has got into say, MIT , Pune will have to go to MIT, Pune )
b) accepts the course offered to him.
c) pays the college fees and submits the original certificates.
Please note :
If Allotment is from options 1 to 9 :
It is imperative that the candidate confirms the admission and reports to the admitted Institute. Such candidates are now NOT eligible for any further CAP rounds.
If Allotment is from options 10 to 20 :
If the candidate confirms the admission, he / she is NOT eligible for further CAP rounds.
Only those candidates who DO NOT confirm their admission are eligible for further CAP rounds.
ii) NOT ALLOTTED : Out of the choice(s) mentioned (in the form) by the student none of them can be offered to the student as per his merit. Such Students should appear for subsequent Rounds. (Details given below)
2) Round 1 B - Centralised Admission Process organised by DTE for All India (AIEEE) Quota Seats.
a) How many of the seats will be available for Mumbai students in round 1B ?
A Mumbai Student will be eligible for 15 % of the seats in Un-aided Colleges offered through CAP : i.e.
_ 15 % seats in most of the Un-Aided Non-Minority Colleges in Maharashtra
_ 7.5 % seats in most of the Un-aided Minority Colleges in Maharshtra
b) How to apply for this centralised round 1 B ?
To apply for the CENTRALISED ROUND 1 B for admission to any Un-aided (Private) Engineering college in Maharashtra (Minority and Non-minority) you have to fill ONLY ONE application form and send DD/ PO of specified amount to DTE, Mumbai
This application form (including the option form) is to be submitted online at
The allocation list will be displayed on date specified in the schedule.
Note :
i) Students who have applied for Round 1 A (Maharashtra State Quota) and also wish to apply for Round 1B [ All India (AIEEE) quota] need to submit again (on-line) the application form and the option form for this quota. (The form submitted earlier for Round 1 A is not valid for Round 1B)
ii) All Students who have appeared for AIEEE and have a positive score MUST NOT lose this opportunity of applying for this quota. (i.e. even if, “Not eligible for central counselling” is printed on your AIEEE score card, you ARE eligible for this Round 1 B. (This Round will be held as per AIEEE All India Rank and not AIEEE State Rank.)
Note : Though the seats available through this Round 1B are less than the seats available through Round 1A, the competition in this Round is likely to be much less (since not many students appear for AIEEE). Hence all the students who are eligible for this round are urged to not only apply for this round 1 B but also ensure that they submit different (and better) preferences (Institute – Course Combinations )in the option form for Round 1 B.
3) Round conducted by the respective colleges for the Institute – Level Quota
a) Which seats will be filled in this Round ?
20 % seats in private non-minority colleges (and 50% seats in private minority colleges) are filled by the respective colleges by conducting a round in their campus i.e. such rounds will be conducted by each college individually.
b) How to apply to ALL such Round in the various colleges ?
The student will have to fill up the admission forms of the respective colleges.
Problems which a student is likely to face during such Rounds :
Such Rounds will be conducted by each college individually. Hence the student WILL HAVE TO
_ keep a track of the schedules of such Rounds in various colleges of his interest.
_ Arrange for extra amount to be paid as fees : Such Rounds will be conducted separately by each college.
Now, consider a student who has secured a seat in some college (say X) through its Institute level admission round and now also wants to apply to some other college (say Y) for its Institute level seats. In such cases the student will have to pay full fees in college Y and then apply for refund from college X.
4) OMS Students “Out of Maharashtra State” (OMS) students who have appeared for AIEEE are eligible for AIEEE Quota Rounds or Institute level Rounds of Private colleges. (There is no separate reservation / round for OMS students).
C) How should students go about the entire FE admission process this year ?
This year, since the FE admission process is NOT going to be completely centralised, students should do the following :
i) Apply to Autonomous Institutes.
ii) Apply through the centralised process (Round 1,2,3,4)
iii) Decide on the options of Institute – course combinations to be filled in the option form of every round VERY CAREFULLY since the elimination rules are quite stringent.
iv) Contact the Private colleges you may have short– listed and get their Admission forms (for their Institute – Level Quota Round)
v) Keep a track of the schedules of Institute – Level Quota Round in these selected colleges
vi) Keep additional sets of “Attested Documents” ready
vii) Keep extra money ready for payment of fees, as you may be required to pay fees in more than one college during Institute – Level Rounds (Of course you may be eligible for Refund later).
Course Curriculum (Mumbai University) :
The first year (F.E) is COMMON to all the branches.
Subjects taught in F.E. (Revised Course)
Sem I
1) Maths 1
2) Engg Mechanics
3) Computer Programing 1(C++)
4) Basic Electrical & Electronics Engg.(B.E.E.)
5) Applied Physics 1
6) Applied Chemistry 1
Sem II
1) Maths 2
2) Engg. Drawing
3) Computer Programing 2(JAVA)
4) Comunication Skills
5) Applied Physics 2
6) Applied Chemistry 2
Frequently Asked Questions (F A Qs)
1) What certificates are required ?
For majority of the students ONLY the following certificates are required :
i) Std. XII mark sheet
ii) XII College Leaving Certificate
iii) Std. X mark sheet
iv) Indian Nationality Certificate (e.g. Passport or College Leaving Certificate if
it mentions nationality)
Following Certificates are required only for the specific Cases :
Caste Certificate ; Caste Validity Certificate ; Non-Creamy Layer;
Domicile (of Father / Mother and NOT of the student).
2) Do I require a Domicile Certificate?
Students who have passed X AND XII from Maharashtra DO NOT require Domicile Certificate.
Domicile of Father / Mother is required in some cases when the student has passed Std.X or Std XII or both form outside maharashtra.
Domicile may not be required, if Father / Mother is a Govt.Employee on Transfer.
In some cases if domicile is required and not available than the stuadent may be considered as OMS(Outside Maharashtra Student) Category.
3) What factors may be considered while selecting colleges ?
Some factors that should be considered while selecting colleges and their importance:
a) Teaching Quality : This is the single most important factor.
b) Convenience of commuting :Do not unnecessarily go to a very far off college.
c) Infrastructure like Labs, Workshop etc. (Actually all colleges DO have the minimum infrastructure required). Hence this factor is NOT very crucial.
d) ON Campus Placements : This factor also gets unnecessarily over exaggerated. Now days, not many students take up jobs immediately after their B.E. Most of them either want to do M.S. or M.E. or M.B.A. Hence, campus placements after B.E. need NOT be over emphasized.
e) FEES : Each college will have its own fee structure. Hence your financial capacity should be considered before taking admission. The fees are fixed by “Shikshan Shulka Samiti” on the basis of the College infrastructure (Better the infrastructure, higher are the fees.)
4) How are the colleges graded ?
Govt. of Maharashtra has Graded colleges on the basis of various important parameters like Teaching faculty, Computer Centre & other Lab. Infrastructure, Library, Placements, Cleanliness of the campus etc...
Grade is a very useful tool while selecting colleges.
5) How is the overall distribution of Seats ?
Generally the intake is 60 per branch and the distribution is likely to be as follows :
(12 Seats are Institute level seats which are filled directly by the college and 9 seats are All India AIEEE seats. Thus seats available for Round 1 A are 39. But only 70% of these seats will be available for Home University i.e. 27)
Of these 27 ,seats reserved for women are 8 and 19 seats are for general(i.e. males and females)
Out of these 8 seats for women 4 are for reserved category and 4 are for open category.
Out of 19 seats for general 10 are for open category and 9 are for reserved category.
In the above calculation, reservation for Defence and Physically handicapped is
not considered. No. of seats would be lesser in Private Minority colleges.
6) Will the closing marks be the same as last year ?
Nobody can accurately predict this. [The feeling that the overall CET
result is bad is more of wishful thinking than reality.]
7) What is an “option” ?
An option is an indication of your choice for a particular “Course” in a particular “College” in a particular “University”. An option is expressed as a unique combination of 5 digit code where its 1st digit indicates the University, 2nd & 3rd together indicate the College, 4th and 5th together indicate the Course.
The code numbers for ‘a particular course in a particular institute’ are mentioned in the
institute information Brochure.
8) Can I write select different courses from the same college ?
Yes. An option is a “College – Course” combination. Your Option List may contain different courses in same college [ e.g. VESIT- EXTC, VESIT-ETRX, VESIT– CMPN, VESIT – INFT..] or same courses in different colleges [ e.g. VESIT – ETRX, VIT– ETRX, RAIT– ETRX…] or different courses in different colleges.
9) Can I apply to an Institute which is outside of my University area ?
YES. You can select ANY COLLEGE in Maharashtra i.e. you need not confine your choices to colleges under Mumbai University area alone.
10) Can I change my options after submitting the option form ?
Until the last date, you can keep on revising your option list. The latest version will be
considered for allotment.
11) How do I make my choices ?
This is probably the most important part. Steps that may be followed
i) Prepare a priority list of branches (of Engg.) which you
would like to pursue.
e.g. 1 : EXTC
2 : CMPN
3 : INFT
4 : ETRX
5 : MECH
And so on …..
ii) For every branch, prepare a list of colleges that you are interested in.
(In this list you can also include colleges from other University areas).
iii) Arrange the above list as per your priority
E.g. Vivekanand EXTC
DJ Sanghavi EXTC
Vivekanand CMPN etc…
iv) Write the required number of top choices.
12) How many allotments will I get ?
A student will either get “ONE” allotment or “NO” allotment. A student CANNOT get more
than one allotment.
13) If I do not get any of the options from my Option List , will the Computer offer me some seat as per my merit ?
The scope of the computer search is strictly limited to the student’s Option List. The
computer cannot not go beyond the Option List. i.e. it will NOT ALLOT you some choice,
which is NOT a part of your option list. If none of the options is possible, then it will print
“NOT ALLOTTED” against your name. Hence you must write options carefully.
14) If an option is allotted to me, do I have to accept it ?
If the allotment is acceptable to you, you are SUPPOSED to report to the respective
institute and complete the admission formalities. (Please note that accepting any particular allotment, makes you ineligible for the all the subsequent CAP rounds).
But, not accepting the allotment MAY also lead to disqualification in the subsequent CAP
15) In subsequent CAP Rounds , can I give different options ?
Yes, you can. The options of any round have no bearing on the subsequent rounds.
16) Should I give more importance to the College or to the Branch ?
This is a difficult issue. Giving priority to branch seems more reasonable. After you graduate, your college may not be as important but your branch of Engg. will be quite influential in deciding your future. However, if you are getting a similar branch (though NOT the same) in probably a better college, you may choose
the better college e.g. if you are getting CMPN in VJTI and EXTC in say
Vivekanand, you may choose VJTI.
17) What is the actual difference between IT, CMPN, etc.. ?
INFT, CMPN, ETRX, EXTC are all similar branches. The general
notion that ETRX is ONLY hardware, and INFT is ONLY software isNOT true. All these branches are offshoots of ELECTRICAL branch.
18) Should I go to a college outside my University area ?
GRASS IS GREENER ON THE OTHER SIDE - this may not be true always. The 4 years of engineering are a very crucial phase in the student’s overall development. Life time friends / Habits (Good and Bad) are formed during these years. It certainly helps if the student stays with his / her parents during these years.
19) Can I change my college in the second year ?
Generally Not. Hence do not depend on it.
20) Can I change my branch within the college in the second year ?
Generally Not. Hence do not depend on it.
For updates of the new happenings in maharashtra for engg. refer-
For list of all goverment and non-govy colleges in maharashtra and their address,telephone number,website,email id,etc refer-
For the official cutoffs of diffrent colleges of maharashtra in different rounds upto the 6th round then refer-
Above three are official sites of dte.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
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Thank-you very much for the highly detailed information posted by you.
My son has appeared for CET and has secured 180.. we are awaiting CAP results and your inputs should be very helpful. Thanks once again.
MY pleasure,
I myself being an engineering student it makes me happy helping others
I think cap being more profound in
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